Booking a magician and how to make it a huge success

My 10 top tips for making your next event a success.

When thinking about booking a magician for your event there are a few things to consider to make sure it goes without a hitch. In this post I share my 10, top tips for success.

Tip #1 - Waiters - “Another cocktail madam?”

This one all depends on your event. If your event has waiters circulating serving canapés and drinks, having them approach a group the magician is entertaining can be a disater if badly timed. It's a good idea to speak to the head waiter to ensure he asks that no one approaches a group who is being entertained by the magician. This also includes during sit down meals.

The magician, of course would respect the job of the waiters and would never approach a group and start performing whilst they are being served canapés and drinks, or whilst they're eating during a sit down meal.

The former might seem simple, but there have been a lot of times over the years where I have been mid performance and the energy and attention is suddenly gone becuase a waiter has approached the group. This is in no way their fault, it is the responsibility of the booker/head waiter to ensure this doesn't happen. Some head waiters, who have worked at events with magicians will know this already and the magician will usually liaise with them about service orders for sit down meals to ensure everyone knows where each other will be and when.

Tip #2 - Speeches

One of the worst things that can happen is being cut off mid flow!

If your event is likely to have speeches, please make sure you have asked your master of ceremonies not to announce speeches whilst the magician is performing for a group. Again, it's important for everyone to know where everyone will be and when. Advising the magician with an estimated time for the speeches will ensure they are able to bring the entertainment to a close in good time for the speeches to happen.

The magician should always speak to the Master of Ceremonies too, this way there is a mutual understanding. It's a simple as the MC giving the magician 'the nod' when they're almost ready so that the magician can finish the trick and close the entertainment without being cut off.

Tip #3 - Don’t make it too big!

They say size doesn't matter! Well in this case size does matter!

Whilst large and fancy table centrepieces might look great, they are a magicians nightmare. There is nothing worse than performing amazing magic for a table of guests, only for half of the table to not be able to see a thing. Keep your centrepieces small, because even when the magician isn't entertaining at the table, your guests will thank you for being able to see each other without having to peer round a huge vase filled with marbles!

If I arrive at an event where there are large centrepieces that aren't too heavy, I will often remove them when I arrive at a table and replace them when I have finished. This isn't ideal though, so maybe keep it small.

Tip #4 - Charity Events - Speeches, Games & Fundraising.

I love entertaining at charity events. The atmosphere is always great and everyone is in high spirits. But there a few ways to kill the atmosphere for the magician.

The advice from early about waiters is the same for any event, however there are a few other people that need to be asked not to approach a group that the magician is entertaining. If you're having someone collecting money or selling raffle tickets the same simple advice applies. Ask them not to approach a group where the magician is. If you're have games being played (head and tails is always a charity event favourite!) please make sure the magician is aware of this and at what point during the evening the games are going to be played. Again, ask the person who is running the games (if it's not you) to tell the magician when they're ready to play so that they can bring the entertainment to a close, and not to start the game until this happens.

Tip #5 - Music.

I love music just as much as the next person, but from an entertainment point of view there is nothing worse than not being heard over the band or DJ.

My advice. Don't book the magician and the band for the same spot during the event. It just doesn't work. In fact, part of my terms of booking is that any music is kept to a suitable level in order for me to be heard, otherwise I just can't do my job. IF you are having music, please let the magician know.

Tip #6 - Indoor ‘vs’ Outdoor.

There is nothing better than having an outdoor event, either in the grounds of a hotel, or an outdoor events space... On a warm summers day.

Don't book your magician for an outdoor event in November, in the cold, wet and wind. Sleight of hand doesn't work too well in the cold, and soggy playing cards aren't a good look for anyone! If your event is planned for outdoors (especially in the UK) always have a contingency plan for somewhere indoors should the weather turn bad.

Tip #7 - How many guests?

Obviously the number of guests you have at your event is entirely up to you. But please make sure your magician is aware exactly how many will be attending. Don't book on the basis of 50 guests and then when the magician arrives there are 250. There's probably no way they will be able to make sure everyone is entertained in the time that has been booked.

Tip #8 - Booking 2 or more magicians - When and why.

This follows on from Tip #7.

There are times when booking 2 or more magicians is a better option for you and your guests. If you have more than say 150 guests then book 2. This means that everyone at your event will be entertained and your magicians can provide a much better experience for your guests.

If you've got more than say 300 guests then you might even need 3 or 4 magicians, but discussing this during your enquiry is advisable.

Tip #9 - Timing is key.

It can be so easy for events to start running late. One main factor is guests arriving and taking their seats. If dinner is announced at 7.45pm to be served at 8pm then a master of ceremonies is a good idea to make sure everyone is where they should be, as otherwise guests loiter around the bar or stand and talk for another 20 minutes and before you know it the whole event is running late.

Tip #10 - Have fun!

This one goes without saying, but a lot of time and effort is taken by the person organising the event to ensure it is amazing. If you're organising an event, enlist the help of others on the day so the work is shared and everyone gets to relax and have fun!

That’s it for this one, a little food for thought. If you haven’t booked your magician then what are you waiting for? Get in touch now!


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